Intense foosball using this “8 ball” looking roller controller. I guess the game was hitting off with a tie, so I had to guess what member of his team was still left standing in the game (each character in the game represented a teammate). I said “Desire.” (With emphasis on the “I”). So strongly, so loudly & then I back-tracked & embarrassedly corrected myself & said “Désirée.” The beautiful blonde boy with the beautiful blue eyes I was playing against just shrugged, meaning it’s basically the same name with different pronunciation. He sighed & then I immediately thought I got it wrong & felt so embarrassed. And he was like actually…I’m playing on behalf of Desireè. So I was the winner. I was completely astonished by his integrity. He didn’t have to let me know this information. Desireè wasn’t even paying attention to the game. But I was happy with myself. I didn’t know how to play this new tech foosball. I was just winging it. (This all took place at night in the park.) He turned & went hi-fiving his teammates & the onlookers. He had a short, mini conversation with my friend, Beryl, who encouraged me to play. He seemed most comfortable, out of all the people there, with her. I assumed they had classes together. This whole experience was new, fun, and intense. Because of this man’s integrity & his familiarity with my friend, I had a tingling inclination to want to get to know this man better. I was intrigued & definitely interested in him. We all walked down in different, small groups. I walked with Beryl & her other friend. Beryl called to Alana (my bookstore manager) and said “Any listings open?” Her question was referring to if any job listing, in general, were open (for work study). I silently questioned whether we were allowed to have two work study jobs. Alana, who was walking with another employee of hers, confirmed that there were in fact an updated job listing page with jobs open for applying. I opened the community page on my phone to check for the job openings. The first one I saw was for electrical engineer, and then a lighting flash entered my vision & an electrical/electricution sound sounded in my ears while looking at the posting. It was for $101 a day (or $111, I can’t remember) & I think no experience was required, anyone could apply. It was a chance to learn something new without going through heavy education. Exactly what I wanted. And my last thought before I woke up was if I would even get the job or whether I should even apply without any knowledge or experience in electrical engineering. When I “woke up,” I was in a daze. I heard a camera flash behind me, as if someone were taking indecent pictures of me while I was sleeping. I blew it off as if something I misheard. Then, I heard the flash again, as clear as day. I knew then that someone had set up a camera in my room to take pictures of me while I slept. And then I truly woke up.
This dream appears to be symbolic of your feelings of competitiveness, self-doubt, longing for integrity, and aspiration for new opportunities in your waking life.
The foosball game in the dream may represent a sense of competition or challenges you are facing in real life. The fact that you had to guess a teammate and ended up being correct after a moment of doubt could symbolize your ability to trust your instincts and make the right decisions, even when uncertain.
The interaction with the beautiful blonde boy could represent your desire for honesty and integrity in your relationships or interactions with others. His reveal about playing on behalf of Desireè may suggest that unexpected truths may come to light, leading to positive outcomes.
The setting of the park at night may indicate a sense of mystery or uncertainty in your current situation. The walk with Beryl and her friend could symbolize companionship and support from those close to you.
The job listing and the opportunity for an electrical engineering position may symbolize your desire for new learning experiences or career growth. The hesitation about applying without experience could reflect your self-doubt or fear of taking on new challenges.
The feeling of being watched while sleeping could represent a sense of vulnerability or invasion of privacy in your waking life. It may suggest a need to establish boundaries or address any feelings of insecurity.
Overall, this dream may be encouraging you to trust your instincts, seek honesty and integrity in your relationships, and be open to new opportunities and experiences despite any doubts or fears.